Chilling 60-Sec Countdown TV Spot for 'Prisoners' with Hugh Jackman

August 16, 2013
Source: YouTube

Prisoners TV Spot

"Someone has to make him talk, or they're gunna die!" Warner Bros has unveiled a new extended TV spot for Denis Villeneuve's Prisoners, the kidnapping drama starring Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal. We've featured a couple of stellar trailers for this film already, but the more they show, the more intense things get and the more I want to see this. Paul Dano as the suspect looks perfect, in the same way Stanley Tucci was perfectly cast in The Lovely Bones. And I keep forgetting Terrence Howard is in this, but when he says "what in the world did you do?!" I get chills. The way this TV spots ends will make you go: "damn!"

Here's the new extended TV spot for Denis Villeneuve's Prisoners, direct from Warner Bros:

Keller Dover (Hugh Jackman) is facing every parent’s worst nightmare. His 6-year-old daughter and her young friend are missing, and as minutes turn to hours, panic sets in. Heading the investigation, Detective Loki (Jake Gyllenhaal) arrests the driver of an RV by the scene of the crime, but a lack of evidence forces the only suspect’s release. Knowing his child’s life is at stake, Dover decides to do whatever it takes to find his daughter, but when do you cross the line between seeking justice and becoming a vigilante? Warner Bros. sends the film directed by Denis Villeneuve and written by Aaron Guzikowski to theaters September 20th.


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can't wait

Quynh Truong on Aug 16, 2013


script was terribly melodramatic and had too many coincidences and deus ex machina's...not to mention being terribly grim and glum throughout.

Linkfx on Aug 16, 2013

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