Watch: Full Trailer for 'A Separation' Director's Latest Film 'The Past'

November 19, 2013
Source: Apple

The Past

Last year, Asghar Farhadi's film A Separation won Best Foreign Language Film and was nominated for Best Original Screenplay, and now the director is back with The Past. Sony Pictures Classics will release the film in theaters this December with Oscar heavy hitters like American Hustle, The Wolf of Wall Street and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. The film follows an Iranian man (Ali Mosaffa) as he deserts his wife and children to return to his homeland. Meanwhile, his wife (Bérénice Bejo from The Artist) finds love with another man (Tahar Rahim from A Prophet), a reality her husband confronts upon his wife's request for a divorce. This looks like it's full of amazing performances and could be another foreign winner. Watch!

Here's the trailer for Asghar Farhadi's The Past, originally from Apple:

Following a four-year separation, Ahmad (Ali Mosaffa) returns to Paris from Tehran, upon his estranged French wife Marie's (Bérénice Bejo) request, in order to finalize their divorce procedure so she can marry her new boyfriend Samir (Tahar Rahim). During his tense, brief stay, Ahmad discovers the conflicting nature of Marie’s relationship with her teenage daughter Lucie (Pauline Burlet) and his efforts to improve this relationship soon unveil a secret from their past. Asghar Farhadi (A Separation) writes and directs The Past which premiered at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival and hits limited theaters December 20th. Good?


Find more posts: To Watch, Trailer



great movie ... Bérénice is amazing in it ... ROC

cabo on Nov 19, 2013


Missed this at BIFF (Bergen International Film Festival) this year. Damn shame. Looks really good.

Nielsen700 on Nov 19, 2013


8.5/10 I saw this little gem. Its not comparable with A Separation (previous work of mr.Farhadi) but still full of good points and excellent performances to take my breath away. I love all works of mr.Farhadi (exactly all of them). Good : whole cast did great works. even kids did perfect job from my point of view. Film is so unpredictable and very psycho-dramatic , very humanistic and bitter. Bad : there is not exposed tension which we saw in previous works of mr.Farhadi (like A Seperation or About Elly) I worship this kind of works. Excellent Work mr.Farhadi. Go On MAN please

Ehsan Davodi on Nov 19, 2013

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