It's Here - Official Poster for 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Revealed

October 18, 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

There has been an awakening… Disney/Lucasfilm have revealed the first official poster for J.J. Abrams' Star Wars: The Force Awakens, a continuation of the sci-fi saga that George Lucas started in 1977. This poster is very reminiscent of all the other official artwork for the two original trilogies, and isn't designed by Drew Struzan, however I hope we'll see more Struzan work soon. In the meantime, this is spectacular poster that captures both the dark side and the light side. John Boyega stars as Finn, along with Daisy Ridley as Rey, and Adam Driver as Kylo Ren - these three are featured prominently. Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher also show up, along with Chewie, Poe Dameron & Captain Phasma. Watch the new trailer right here.

Here's the official poster art for J.J. Abrams' Star Wars: The Force Awakens, revealed by Lucasfilm:

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

You can still watch the second teaser trailer for The Force Awakens here. New trailer is available now.

Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens, continuing the beloved original trilogy about Luke, Leia, Han & Chewie that ended in 1983, is directed by J.J. Abrams, of the films Mission: Impossible 3, Star Trek, Super 8 and Star Trek Into Darkness. The screenplay is written by Lawrence Kasdan (Empire Strikes Back, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Return of the Jedi, The Big Chill, The Bodyguard) and J.J. Abrams, with Kathleen Kennedy from Lucasfilm producing. This debut is the beginning of a brand new saga, with another trilogy planned for this storyline, with Rian Johnson and Colin Trevorrow lined up to direct. Disney, after acquiring Lucasfilm in 2012, will release Star Wars: The Force Awakens in theaters worldwide on December 18th.


Find more posts: Hype, Posters, Star Wars



The death star 😀 Looks amazing in all its glory. JJA. Don't dissapoint me. Does the death star remind anybody of hall from space odessy or is it just me?

redskulllives on Oct 18, 2015


man i am so pumped up for this movie!!!

ari smulders on Oct 18, 2015


You WILL watch it and you know it!

Lagoya on Oct 18, 2015


Believe me it's hard lol but I managed to watch Interstellar x Age of Ultron unspoiled only watching the first teaser trailers. Just have to run out screenings whenever the trailer comes on ha, x dodging tv spots are easy.

III on Oct 18, 2015


A NEW HOPE theme song rolling strong in my head right now. So good.

DAVIDPD on Oct 18, 2015


No Luke in the poster ?

Tester on Oct 18, 2015


Apparently luke has a very small role in episode 7 but will have a meatier role in ep 8

TheOct8pus on Oct 18, 2015


Great poster. New trailer tomorrow!!!!

Firefly15 on Oct 18, 2015


Its cool. I would have loved them to try a new concept and not the same old lets put everyone and everything into one poster. And the new DS confirms one of my biggest fears that Ep7 has a lot of similarities to new hope. Not like that's bad thing. We'll see.

Sascha Dikiciyan on Oct 18, 2015


Neat. Very formulaic, down to the blue-orange color palette, but neat nonetheless. Excited for the trailer.

Terry Craig on Oct 18, 2015


wow...didn't know Unicron is in this film too, lol!

superultraboy on Oct 18, 2015


Everything about this movie just seems so... safe. From the choice of director, to the story points, and now with the marketing. To really get creative in a meaningful way, you have to take some risks and push the limits, at least a little. This film is seriously at risk of drowning in a sea of vanilla flavored nostalgia. They had a huge blank check to do ANYTHING and they came up with Death Star #3?

Swanland on Oct 19, 2015


That's like saying the next Star Trek movie shouldn't have an Enterprise...

Joker's hideout on Oct 19, 2015


Do we had Death Star in Prequels? Aswer is no. Only the plans. Prequels had unique,different story. This bullshit named "The Force Awakens" and the whole upcoming trilogy is a simple Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V from Episodes IV-VI.

Станислав Сухоненко on Oct 31, 2015


Anyone else notice how Rey's staff lines up with Kylo Ren's lightsabre, almost as if she's holding Darth Maul's double lightsaber? Did JJ give something away while trying to be sneaky?

Taternuts222 on Oct 20, 2015


Great trailer. Must have watched it ten times after it premiered at half time. Couldn't get first night tickets though. As soon as my buddy accessed the ticket site only first row was available in IMAX. Definitely not going to see it like that. Got Friday afternoon tickets instead. I'll have to play a little hookie from work which is funny since I did the same back in high school the day Phantom Menace premiered.

David Diaz on Oct 20, 2015

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