More Mysterious Footage in Super Bowl Spot for '10 Cloverfield Lane'

February 7, 2016
Source: YouTube

10 Cloverfield Lane Super Bowl Spot

"I saved your life by bringing you here." Paramount has debuted a new 30-second TV spot during the Super Bowl for Bad Robot's sneaky little sci-fi film 10 Cloverfield Lane, directed by Dan Trachtenberg, of the short Portal: No Escape (follow him on Twitter at @DannyTRS). Mary Elizabeth Winstead stars as a woman who wakes up in an underground bunker after a car accident, but doesn't know what's out there or why she's stuck there. She's joined by John Goodman and John Gallagher Jr., and most of the film takes place in the bunker with these three. The final shot in this TV spot is quite a doozy - either that's a huge reveal from the third act or just a big tease, but I'm not sure what they're showing. Don't miss this one.

Here's the new Super Bowl TV spot for Dan Trachtenberg's 10 Cloverfield Lane, from Para's YouTube:

The original description for Valencia: "The majority of the movie takes place in an underground cellar, and revolves around a young woman who wakes up in the cellar after a severe car accident and fears she has been abducted. Her captor, a doomsday prepper, tells her he saved her life and that there has been a terrible chemical attack that has left the outside uninhabitable. She does not know what to believe and as tensions rise, she decides she must escape, regardless of the terrors that await outside." 10 Cloverfield Lane, formerly known as Valencia, is the feature directing debut of Dan Trachtenberg, who made the Portal: No Escape short previously. The screenplay is by Josh Campell & Matt Stuecken and Damien Chazelle (of Whiplash). Paramount will release 10 Cloverfield Lane in theaters starting March 11th coming up. What do you think?


Find more posts: Sci-Fi, To Watch, Trailer, TV Spots



looks a bit like the great movie hidden from last year...

ari smulders on Feb 7, 2016


I had no idea Damien Chazelle contributed to the I'm even more interested...

Sean Taylor on Feb 8, 2016


Oh, I so hope Godzilla is not behind this scam ...

shiboleth on Feb 8, 2016


its gotta be a follow up to Cloverfield...that roar was so similar.

Xerxexx on Feb 8, 2016


Note to Self: When the alien invasion occurs, avoid John Goodman's bomb shelter.

DAVIDPD on Feb 8, 2016

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