Must Watch: Bryan Singer's 'X-Men: Days of Future Past' Full Trailer

March 24, 2014
Source: YouTube

X-Men: Days of Future Past Trailer

"Are we destined to destroy each other? Or can we change who we are and unite? Is the future truly set?" Wow this trailer unquestionably deserves to be called beautiful. 20th Century Fox has debuted the second, full theatrical trailer for Bryan Singer's X-Men: Days of Future Past, an ambitious new comic book movie bringing multiple characters from multiple movies together with a time-travel storyline. While the first DOFP trailer was already amazing, this one really kicks things into insanely awesome territory, with so much chilling footage and hints at what's to come. From Magneto to Xavier to Mystique to Beast to Wolvie to Quicksilver to Iceman to Colossus to Havok and Storm, they're all there. I cannot wait to see this. Enjoy!

Here's the full theatrical trailer for Bryan Singer's X-Men: Days of Future Past, direct from YouTube:

X-Men: Days of Future Past is directed by Bryan Singer, with a script by Matthew Vaughn and Simon Kinberg. The sequel features cast members from the original X-Men franchise like Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Halle Berry, Anna Paquin, Ellen Page, Shawn Ashmore and Daniel Cudmore along with X-Men: First Class cast members like James McAvoy, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult, and Michael Fassbender. The present day X-Men are in danger from a mistake in the past, and Wolverine is sent back in time to fix it in order to avoid a dark, terrifying future timeline. Fox will open DOFP starting on May 23rd. For updates on the return of the X-Men, follow on twitter @xmenmovies or Facebook. How does it look?

X-Men: Days of Future Past Poster

Above is the latest X-Men: Days of Future Past poster also debuted on twitter today along with the trailer.


Find more posts: Marvel, Movie News, To Watch, Trailer



This is my most anticipated movie of 2014, and I"m encouraged by the trailer. But they got lazy with the tagline. "The Future Begins"? That is so Star Trek 2009.

Edward Curtis on Mar 24, 2014


Yeaaa that is a bit odd. I think they're just trying to keep "future" in there somewhere. Taglines aren't as much of an art as they used to be, most big movies don't even have one at all, which is sometimes the better route if they're going to use something like that instead. Though tagline aside, this trailer is incredible. The movie itself looks like it's going to be amazing (or so we're all hoping that's how it turns out).

Alex Billington on Mar 24, 2014


Thought just occurred to me...remember the tag from the first X-Men? "Trust a few. Fear the rest." I was thinking they could've shown the new tag thusly: "Trust the future"...then the letters in "trust" switch to "fear" and read "Fear the future."

leemoder on Mar 24, 2014


''You're afraid, I remember''

ProjectionistHP on Mar 24, 2014


"You're afraid. I remember."

cobrazombie on Mar 27, 2014


Ice slide!!!!!!!

Charles Oosterhouse on Mar 24, 2014


Great trailer, it looks to me like Singer is back to his best after a recent bad run. That new poster is terrible though, would of been better with past and future characters on different sides with appropriate back drop, and Wolverine in the middle joining both worlds together.

Steven on Mar 24, 2014


Great trailer, but average poster. Prof. X looks like the "nothing to do here" meme:

Paul K. on Mar 24, 2014


The most 'Must Watch' video in a long time and it's not available in my country! I live in the UK.. not the most obscure haha

Alex Moore on Mar 24, 2014


they will prob "construct " :o)) another for Europe and a third for Asia

Dominic on Mar 25, 2014


Singer is in a way like Michael Bay; great trailers but then the movie gets released and doesnt live up to the hype. I'll wait to hold judgment until after i see the movie.

Rock n Rollllll on Mar 24, 2014


Haha!! That poster is terrible! Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen are amazing though. I wish someone could freeze time for them and make them immortal. They bring so much quality to all the movies they make....

TheOct8pus on Mar 24, 2014


Looks like a lot of fun but man, Quicksilver looks absolutely atrocious. Like they picked some random guy with a bad cosplay...

Neuromancer on Mar 24, 2014


From Magneto to Xavier to Mystique to Beast to Wolvie to Quicksilver to Iceman to Colossus to Havok and Storm, they're all there. This is a HORRIBLE Sentence

bobbyg on Mar 24, 2014


but a relevant emotion . as only somebody that's been reading comics for 35-50 years , could only DREAM it'd be realized . Hollywood hated comics and sci-fi now they need us .... This is the MUTANT version of the Avengers - that's why the emotion .... Fassbender and Lawrence are obviously going to act their asses off to steal the show , so that nobody can bitch about JJ TOTALLY ffing up the story to bring the 1st Class bunch in Taking the easy way out basically ; tho no Xavier in the original story arc as well , so no Stewart was prob the dealbreaker on keeping faithful to the real arc .The main reason to make 1st Class was to establish/solidify the Xavier vs Magneto relationship , so this movie is a continuation of that at its base. .maybe they won't bond the 1st Class versions just yet so that there are more antagonisms in that universe beween them , for us .. I feel the goosebumps Alex is , too ... it's going to be hard to f this up once you accept THIS story for what it is not a real version of the arc in the comics . And take it at its own merit ...I'm wondering if I'll be able to wait a week for the crowds to die down , before I see it . .I expect this is the one IMAX movie that will be crowded - EVERYONE will drop the 20 instead of the 10.50 , the 1st time

Dominic on Mar 25, 2014


I suggest Alex reads 'The Elements of Style' if he wants to be taken seriously. This site is full of terrible writing such as the above, and your comment bears no relevance to what I have written

bobbyg on Mar 25, 2014


hmm if you think ANYBODY comes here because Alex and the boys write like learned poets , then YOU are the one with No Relevance here I'd like you to suggest one movie review site that DOES ? Fuck the Elements of Style THIS IS THIR WEBSITE they dictate the style get of ur high horse . or donlt stop by

Dominic on Mar 25, 2014


OR contribute creatively to the discussion by rewriting the sentence for him .Which would be better than trying to sound smart by quoting some book of somebody's Rules. . still bitchy but more constuctive to be fair what u want more commas ? all commas no "to" s ?

Dominic on Mar 25, 2014


So Wolverine goes back in time. Gives Magneto and Xavier a Snickers and says "You tend to destroy the world when you are hungry"

bobby_drk on Mar 24, 2014


This looks amazing!! Can't wait!

Ron on Mar 24, 2014


Nice. Looks... (cliche' I know.... but... ) epic! Still wish they wouldn't have updated the Sentinels though. Can't wait to see Dinklage.

avconsumer2 on Mar 24, 2014


Thanks Fox for not doing marvel-childish ya

dawko on Mar 24, 2014


I'm hoping Colossus play a bigger role then his last one. Always thought of him as such a bad a$$. Trailer does look amazing, got my hopes up even more for this movie, don't let us down.

Justin R on Mar 24, 2014


Completely with you on Colossus.

Rock n Rollllll on Mar 24, 2014



Nick Perkins on Mar 24, 2014


Total boner for Colossus.

Xerxexx on Mar 24, 2014


Well That actually got me excited, Then I swa that Iron Man 3 poster, or Thor 2 Poster. Fucks sake poster artists suck these days. Sentinels look like Aliens?

Brian Sleider on Mar 24, 2014


Epic trailer, and at least bad quick -ripoff cosplay- silver isn't in the poster. I am now loving everything in the film I don't even care if it is loyal o0r not to the source material anymore, but I still dislike quicksilver.

Fidel Reyes on Mar 24, 2014


I had zero faith in this film because Singer hasn't made a movie I liked since X-Men 2... I hope this is a return to form.

daftbot on Mar 24, 2014


Singer hasen't directed an X-Men Movie sence 2....

staatz on Mar 25, 2014


More Mystique and Wolverine dominating proceedings with some token characters chucked in to ensure geek 'coolness'. Looks empty and vacant.

Payne by name on Mar 24, 2014


well let's say that correctly ; MORE Jennifer Lawrence and Jackman AND Fassbender ! plus the old boys Stewart and McKellen it's Those 5's movie to win or suck in Then eeryone else is the gravy ....and to ramp up the Sentnels they just made more of them ? a Cloud's worth .. the imposing height plus ability to neutralize a select mutant was the scary thing about them in the CBs JJ's making this 8 against an army ? Halle-Haters alert ! theyre teasing her getting whacked ....

Dominic on Mar 25, 2014

33 Dinklage...the president? lol

steve on Mar 24, 2014


Bolivar Trask.

avconsumer2 on Mar 24, 2014


I have been waiting for this trailer for 4 months. Now I understand why Bryan Singer decided to wait this long, and the wait has paid off indeed. This trailer magnifies the intensity of the stakes this characters are facing. We don't really know much about what will happen in the 70s and that's good because we'll be in for an amazing treat. As for the future, we see a lot of character development since their last outing in The Last Stand. I am super excited for this cinematic phenomena, it will truly be the greatest movie of 2014 no doubt about it.

Luis Eduardo Ortiz on Mar 24, 2014


Look like an epic ball of fun! Can't wait.

DAVIDPD on Mar 24, 2014


Great Trailer... It was all good until I seen the movie POSTER. Wtf is that!? The people that did the movie poster video were on point.

TyeFighterPilot on Mar 24, 2014


Must....not watch trailer.....stay strong....hold on till May 23rd!

mooreworthy on Mar 24, 2014


Wow. I believe.

Quanah on Mar 24, 2014


I think I would be more excited if Vaughn was still directing. Singer hasn't made a solid film since X-men 2, and the only solid films he has under his belt are the 2 X-men and The Usual Suspects. The rest are mediocre at best, or Superman Returns awful. Trailer looks cool, but I fear a thinly laced plot hidden behind flashy special effects.

UrAllThumb on Mar 24, 2014


Wow I'm excited for this even more now! "I don't want your FuCHA!"

SkyNet300 on Mar 24, 2014


Awesome. Just Awesome.

grimjob on Mar 24, 2014


Wolverine is checking out some blue boob in that crappy poster. Haha Nice trailer though

Richie G on Mar 24, 2014

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