Two Strangely Charming Trailers for Zombie Romance 'Warm Bodies'

November 8, 2012
Source: Vlicious

Warm Bodies

"Whatever it is you two had, it's infecting the others." This film is going to have a lot of work to do to convince audiences that zombies can be self-aware and fall in love. Having said that, these two trailers for Jonathan Levine's Warm Bodies, the adaptation of Isaac Marion's novel of the same name, does a decent job of setting up the story and selling the idea to audiences. The stellar young cast of Nicholas Hoult (X-Men: First Class), Teresa Palmer (I Am Number Four) and Dave Franco (21 Jump Street) should get the young audiences in, and maybe Rob Corddry and even John Malkovich can get the older crowd interested. At least this looks better than the other generic romantic comedies that hit the screen every year.

Here's the first full US trailer for Warm Bodies, which features a bit of extra footage, via YouTube:

Here's the first international trailer for Jonathan Levine's Warm Bodies, first found by Vlicious:

Warm Bodies, written and adapted by Jonathan Levine from Isaac Marion's novel, stars Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer, John Malkovich, Analeigh Tipton, Dave Franco and Rob Corddry. This "zombie love story" stars Hoult as R, a zombie who falls in love with Julie after he eats her boyfriend's brains and absorbs his memories. A genre-bending tale of love and transformation, Warm Bodies is a story about a boy who loves a girl… for more than just her body. Shooting was finished Montreal late last year, and Summit has delayed the release of Warm Bodies from this summer to February 1st, 2013 next year. Will you be seeing it?


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Looks totes interesting. I'd totes watch it.

lewinston on Nov 8, 2012


How about no?

Manuel on Nov 8, 2012


Totally wrote it off as stupid when I first heard the premise, but I didn't expect to like the trailer so much. Didnt know itd be as comedic as it was

fem!anon on Nov 8, 2012


That looks a lot better than I thought. But fair warning to all studios: Just because zombies are "in" right now, doesn't mean they'll save every movie you put out.

Risk on Nov 8, 2012


Don't really care about zombies.The sad truth is that there are a plethora of movies who would be very much improved by the presence of zombies.Regardles of their revelance to the story.Just imagine in the midlle of an Adam Sandler movie zombies out of nowhere and played straight,not for laughs.

VoV on Nov 8, 2012


F*** me and my grammar/spelling mistakes 😛

VoV on Nov 8, 2012


If some enterprising new-Hitchcock could convince Adam Sandler to make a movie that was akin to Psycho, that would be great. 30 minutes of Adam Sandler and then he's killed off brutally 30 minutes in.

serke on Nov 9, 2012


that actually looks much better than i thought!!!

tankatemysandwiches on Nov 8, 2012


Completely agree

Carl Manson on Nov 8, 2012


Looks better than World War Z More CGI zombies though. I feel sorry for people who spent years perfecting the art of animatronics.

Richie G on Nov 8, 2012


How do you go from a great film like The Wackness and the underated 50/50 to this trash. Dumb decision by Levine

Bandee on Nov 8, 2012


Gentlemen, you had my curiosity, but now you have my attention

TheRagingCajun on Nov 8, 2012


I really miss for serious vampire/infected movies Dawn of Dead(snyder)/ 30days of night/ 28days,weeks later/ Crazies/ Rec's (f-word whole resident evil's movies) But where's Next. Im so dispointed.

Ehsan Davodi on Nov 8, 2012


World War Z movie looks pretty serious. Maybe more up your alley.

serke on Nov 9, 2012


Yeah, I knew that dude. But I think WWZ has some serious technical problems as serious vampire/infected flick too.(I wish that problems was nothing)

Ehsan Davodi on Nov 10, 2012


the book is actually really good it kinda faulters a little towards the end but im excited to see what they do with it.

ashley on Nov 8, 2012


I'll watch it.

Carpola on Nov 8, 2012


Now this is a zombie movie haha

redskulllives on Nov 8, 2012


My dear god, this looks like shit. The book was awful, but this it´s even worst. I´m aware that we should respect others opinions, but mates, they dont even act like zombies.

D. on Nov 9, 2012


Looks great. But I'm seriously going to stop reading anything by Ethan because the grammatical errors irk me. You say you proofread but every article you post has at least one error within the first paragraph.

Josh on Nov 9, 2012


Watching the domestic trailer removes any need to actually see the movie except for the explosions and one-liners... they pretty much showed you the entire plot all the way to the conclusion... why why why do they do this? Can't anything be left a mystery?

Walker1812 on Nov 9, 2012


Wow, looks pretty fun! Color me pleasantly surprised.

serke on Nov 9, 2012


I love it! Levine is a great director, I'm glad he's doing something like this. I hope it's good, too bad R is only the name of the character and not the films rating too.

Davide Coppola on Nov 10, 2012


I'll be placing this Blu-Ray next to "FIDO". You've all seen FIDO, right?

David Banner on Nov 10, 2012


I love that there's a Zombi 2 reference 🙂

Davide Coppola on Nov 11, 2012

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